Greenpeace and Ripple co-founder launch campaign to change bitcoin code

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Greenpeace, along with Ripple co-founder and executive chairman Chris Larsen, launched a new campaign aimed at changing the bitcoin code to a more environmentally friendly consensus model.
The “Change the Code, Not the Climate” campaign aims to get key industry leaders, miners and influencers such as Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey to move to a new consensus model.
“If only 30 people – key miners, exchanges and key developers who create and contribute to the bitcoin code – would agree to change Proof-Of-Work mining or move to a low-energy protocol, bitcoin would stop polluting the planet,” the statement said.
Greenpeace argues that Proof-of-Stake is much less harmful to the environment because of its lower energy consumption.
“Now that Ethereum is changing, bitcoin really stands out. Some of the new protocols, Solana and Cardano, are based on low energy consumption,” Larsen added.
Larsen said he holds bitcoin and Ethereum and would like to see both cryptocurrencies succeed, but bitcoin is on an unsustainable path.

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